Integrative Nutrition Care


Do not feed your dogs any “junk.”

Dogs should not be eating any high fat, high sodium, or high sugar foods such as cheeseburgers, potato chips, sausage and other high fat meats, desserts, etc.  Even many of the commercial treat products on the market are junk.  Dogs love “people food,” but choose wisely.

Nutritious Treats

Cruciferous vegetables contain isothiocyanates

and indoles which are phytochemicals (naturally

occurring compounds found in fruits, vegetables,

and whole grains that are used to help fight

disease).  These 2 phytochemicals help prevent

cancer in both people and animals.  A good daily

treat is broccoli flower or stalk, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, or cabbage.  (My girls’ favorite was the broccoli, and my current dog gobbled small pieces up during her puppy training classes, totally refusing the “treat” that the trainer offered).

Choosing a Dog Food

Look for high quality ingredients.  Meat or other high biological quality protein (egg, fish meal, beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, soybean meal) should be the first ingredient, not a meat byproduct or corn or other grain.

Avoid products with chemical preservatives.  Although, the FDA considers these ingredients safe in a specified amount, some studies have linked preservatives such as ethoxyquin, BHA, and BHT with cancer.  I always looked for natural antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, citric acid, and rosemary.

If you are interested in organic ingredients, The Dog Food Project website has definitions, a comparison of several brands, as well as further information on choosing better dog food products:

Dangerous Foods

Do not ever feed your dog: alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, coffee, grapes, iron supplements, onion or foods with onion powder, macadamia nuts, milk and other dairy products (dogs are lactose-intolerant), persimmons, raisins, rhubarb and tomato leaves or stems, salt or salty foods, xylitol sweetened foods.  For further information, including poisonous plants, visit The ASPCA website at:

Preventing Disease

Most vets will tell you that typically dogs die from heart disease, cancer, or kidney disease.  These diseases are caused by many factors, some of which are preventable.

(This page is still under construction since I have a new “girl” in my life).


Although my practice is human nutrition, my passion has always been “my girls.”  Dogs can live well past their expected life expectancy through good nutrition, routine veterinary care, regular exercise, and supplements to help prevent or manage various diseases.

My beloved “girls” are all “in spirit” now.  Some achieved the age of 18 years (Shelties have a life expectancy of 14 years).  You can also achieve a greater life expectancy and higher quality of life in your beloved animal companions through good nutrition.

Dog Nutrition